the start of my film journey
At the beginning of 2020, I finally dusted off my vintage film cameras, put aside all doubt (mostly), and just dove in, documenting my boys and the environment around us. My film stock was expired, but I'd kept it in the fridge since its purchase in 2013(!!), so I hoped it was still good. I read and watched my way through many sets of instructions and how-tos and loaded both 35mm and medium format cameras.
Below are scans from my first roll shot on a Canon AT-1 camera with expired Kodak Portra 400 film shot at box speed. I had no idea if the internal meter worked correctly, but figured this unknowing was just part of this new process.
Once ready, I decided to send my film to The Find Lab for development. I was nervous and excited and absolutely delighted when I received their email of sample scans from this roll. This lab is very attentive and offers so much feedback, which helps when you are starting out. I am truly enjoying the entire process and learning curve. Even the scans that are far from perfect are beautiful in their blurry imperfection.
This roll was shot over the year as you'll see from the variety of seasons captured. Not remembering everything on the roll made the viewing even sweeter as the memories came back to mind. I am officially obsessed!
Next up I'll share scans from my first roll of 120 film!

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400

canon at-1, expired portra 400